Package Management
YUM and RPMs
Install a .rpm
Bash |
| # Install an rpm with automatic confirmation
$> yum install -y package.rpm
# Install a signed rpm when the key is not on the machine
$> yum install -y --nogpgcheck package.rpm
Uninstall an rpm
To remove an rpm you must use the rpm name without the version or extension
Bash |
| # Example: rpm messaging-1.0.noarch.rpm has been installed.
$> yum remove -y messaging
Write contents of rpm to file system without installing
Bash |
| $> rpm2cpio file.rpm | cpio -imdv
Rocky Linux
Install 7zip on Rocky Linux
Install 7zip on Rocky Linux |
| # First we must install the EPEL repository
$> dnf install -y epel-release
# Then we can install 7zip
$> dnf install -y p7zip p7zip-plugins